Naked Archaeology - Nero, Hoards and Aberdeen Ships


Diana O'Carroll und Tom Birch beschäftigen sich in diesem Monat vor allem mit römischer Archäologie, u.a. mit dem Fund einer Nero-Büste in Fishbourne und dem Fund einer Festhalle, die möglicherweise Kaiser Nero zugeschrieben werden kann.

This month has seen an archaeological spoil heap the size of Nero's party leftovers. And it's been quite a month for Roman archaeologists who've just announced the positive identification of a very rare portrait of young Nero from the site of Fishbourne (the interview was recorded the day before 3D scans confirmed his identity). Also announced was the discovery of a very likely candidate for Nero's great banqueting hall. Our Anglo Saxon man, Tom Birch, discusses the incredible Staffordshire hoard and in Backyard Archaeology we find out about the Aberdeen database of ships with contributors from across the globe.

Der Naked Archaeology-Podcast ist Teil des Projektes The Naked Scientists an der Cambridge University.
