The Sudan Archaeological Heritage Protection project has the ambition to protect the Sudanese archaeological heritage in an enduring manner from a variety of menacing factors. With the invaluable experience of the Antiquities Service inspectors, as well with the help of archaeological missions working in Sudan, these threats have been classified into three distinct types:

– The destruction, plundering, traffic of antiquities and gold-mining on the archaeological sites.

– Agricultural and urban extension that directly threaten the archaeological areas.

– Ignorance of the Sudanese heritage and its value which leads to the vandalizing and robbery of the monuments.

Considering the recent evolution of the Sudanese political situation and the urgent need to act in order to prevent further damage to Sudanese antiquities, the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museum (NCAM) will spearhead this project, in collaboration with its French unit, the Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan (SFDAS) in Khartoum. It aims to develop several actions in order to provide the most appropriate and long-term solution to the identified threats.

ALIPH is the only global fund that is solely dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage in conflict areas. To carry out this mission, the foundation finances preventive measures, emergency interventions and concrete post-conflict rehabilitation projects, all around the world.

The NCAM is a department of the civil service depending on the Ministry of culture and information of Sudan. Its three interdependent sections have in charge the archaeological exploration of the Sudan, the restoration and the conservation of the Sudanese antiquities.

Founded in 1967, the SFDAS is a french institution hosted by the NCAM to cooperate with the Sudanese Department of Antiquities in its field activities as well as for international exhibitions of the Sudanese antiquities. The SFDAS is also conducting various excavations in Nubia and Central Sudan.

Netsanet (« freedom » in Amharic) is a french association which aims to support and accompany the production of knowledge on Africa in general, and on East Africa in particular. Netsanet also supports research activities in human and social sciences related to heritage and archaeological issues.

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