The Getic fortress from Coþofeni,
Dolj County

(ex. Cotofenii din Dos, jud. Dolj)

Map of Romania and location of Cotofeni archaeological site

1. Location:
"Cetatea Jidovilor" or "La Jidovi" point (jidov = giant), approximately 20 kilometres north of Craiova, on the right bank of the Jiu River.

2. Research type:
Systematic excavations.

3. Research team:
Vlad Zirra, Niculae Conovici, Vlad V. Zirra, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest, George Trohani, the National Romanian History Museum, Bucharest, Petre Gherghe, the Museum of Oltenia, Craiova.

4. Duration of the research:

5. Discovery type:
Fortifies settlement of approximately 3 hectares.

6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The early Getic age (the 4th-3rd centuries BC); sporadic materials belonging to the early bronze age (the Cotofeni culture). The settlement is protected by a fortification work which functioned in two phases:
1. - the fortification work was composed of a burnt bricks wall 3,5 - 4 metres wide. A mass of intensely burnt clay (emplekton) filled the space between the two faces (of the wall), built each from two rows of bricks disposed transversally on the wall's axis. At relatively regulate distances, in the inclined areas, transversal brick (diathoni) rows were raised between the two faces in order to stabilise the emplekton.
2. - the ruins of the brick wall were included in a walled fortification, stockade and defence ditch. The installations in which the bricks and the clay had been burnt were discovered within the area of the settlement; they had been used as filling mass for the emplekton.

7. Pieces with specific character:
Getic ceramics made by hand or with the potter's wheel, Greek ceramics decorated with red figurines, Tracian fibulas.

8. Present-day location of the material:
The Museum of Oltenia, Craiova, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.

9. Bibliography:
V. Zirra, N. Conovici, G. Trohani, P. Gherghe, P. Alexandrescu, Gh. Gata, V. V. Zirra, La Station fortifiée de "Cetatea Jidovilor" (Cotofenii din Dos, dép. de Dolj), Dacia 37, 1993, 79-157.

10. Notes:
It is a representative settlement of the early Getic settlement (the 4th-3rd centuries BC).

Last update: March, 30 1999.